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#InternationalWomenDay2022 x Yen Chia, a professional cyclist & make-up artist

Mar 9, 2022 Jh See

Gung Jewellery is Challenging the Gender Bias

Gender bias continues to be a problem around the world. These biases and stereotyping have led to preconceptions being formed, limiting possibilities for women, and sowing the seeds of inequity, all to the disadvantage of our society.

This is the right time to take a moment to reflect on how far we've come and to consider what else we can do to help women's voices be heard.

In conjunction with the International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme of “Breaking the Bias”. We have invited a few of exciting personalities that we find very inspirational with women's empowerment, to represent Gung Jewellery to talk about their experiences & issues they’ve encountered in their workplace about gender stereotypes.

These ladies are confident, empowered, fun & always inspirational. Let’s get fascinated & inspired by them!



We are glad to have Yen Chia, a professional cyclist & make-up artist as one of our IWD personalities to share with us about her interesting stories & gender bias experiences encountered at her workplace!

1. Hi Yen Chia, could you briefly introduce of yourself?

I am Yen Chia, a professional cyclist & a make-up artist & a stylist who focus more on bride styling. I enjoy discovering the transformation of make-up magic. It makes me feel happy every time I transformed a person to be more confident by my expertise. Make-up is a fun activity for me and it is also training my patience, it taught me how to slow down my pace, to look around more often, and to pay more into details.

2. Tell us anything about your work, the fun & boring parts, anything that you'd like to tell share with us

I believe that most people have encountered this issue before which same goes for me. As I’m am a very rookie in the make-up industry, I only started after getting married, people might have doubted my ability. Yet, I still always encourage myself to try something new, consistently pushing myself forward and try my best to stay out of my comfort zone.

3. Have you ever experienced any struggles or problems at work that is related to gender stereotypes?

In the modern days, we should always remind ourselves to be kind to people, as nobody is born strong, chances should be always given to the people who try to achieve something in life, regardless of gender.

4. Nowadays, what do you think about the mindset that people have should be changed in terms of gender equality?

It’s definitely tough to achieve gender equality. I think we should all learn to accept by changing the way we think, we talk, and act. Embrace those who are different, those who are unique. We’re meant to be different - that’s what makes us all unique. If we were all the same, we wouldn’t be able to learn from one another, or understand our differences. It’s about finding new perspectives, learning on the way, creating more opportunities; because women to deserve to feel worthy, and not any less compared to men.

5. Our goal is to reach more people to get the ideas of how gender stereotyping could affect people negatively. How do you think that this campaign would help to the society?

With the help of social media, we always get our voices heard. I believe that sharing our experiences can always inspire people to aware that some issues about women stereotypes actually exist and it can influence society greatly, sharing is the key to getting our messages delivered, to be understood.

"We don’t have to play masculine to be a strong woman, as long as we pay effort to achieve, we are strong, and effort always pays off."

We believe that WE ALL ARE responsible for breaking bias in our homes, schools, communities, and workplaces. Imagine a world where all genders are equal.
Together, we can change the world by contributing even just a little of our efforts. On this International Women’s Day, let's #BreakTheBas and promote equality. Let’s call out gender bias, discrimination, and stereotyping wherever we see it.

Let’s join us in this meaningful movement!
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